Month: October 2023

Teamtui Probability games

Task Description: This morning teamtui met up in the hall to play Probability games. first we all started to play this game called blocko, Then we had to get into 3 groups to play 3 different rotation. The games we played were Flip the bottle, Card games & the Greedy pig, They gave us a paper to do the tally marks our success and failure on how many bottle filps landed and falied. Greddy pig is on a game u roll a dice and add to until to gets to 50 if it rolls on a 1 that means you have to  restart again and when u get to 50 yoou get a lolly from Mr Raj, and after all of that they gave us a chance to play two games for us to get a lollie

TooMuch Telly

Task Description: What is the same about the data in these three logs? Jessie, Ruka & Nina all did their homework on a sunday for half an hour. how are the log differents from each other? Jessie watched Tv for an hour, Nina watched Tv for two hours and ruka watched Tv for an hour and a half. Is it true for these students that those who watched the most Tv did the  least homework? Jessie and Ruka was the one who did the least amont of homework cause they were to busy watching Tv and for Nina she does her homework the days she doesn’t watch Tv. Maybe she doesn’t do homework on the day she watches Tv so she can focaus.